
Strategies for Improving Candidate Communication

Every candidate deserves a fair, consistent, and human experience. Candidates want to know that they are being considered for a role, and they want to receive feedback on where they stand in the process. At a very basic level, candidates want to be treated like people. Unfortunately, companies do not always have time to engage with candidates in a way that is consistent and fair. As a result, most of today’s challenges with candidate experience start with communication.  Communication should be consistent across your hiring process, from pre-application to onboarding. The good news is that companies can improve communication by using a mix of automated tools and human interaction (especially in later stages).

I am looking forward to presenting some of our research on candidate communication and the impact on talent acquisition during a webinar with Clinch tomorrow. Below are a few topics we will cover:

  • Omni-Channel Communication: Most companies rely on email as their primary form of communication in talent acquisition. Yet, mobile usage has increased over the past year and 43% of candidates do not always open their emails. Email limits how a company can engage with talent, slowing down time to fill, and providing a negative experience for both recruiters and candidates. Companies must consider an omni-channel email approach that includes text, messaging, and conversational AI.
  • Measuring Communication Efforts: Communication efforts can make a significant improvement on candidate engagement and overall TA efficiency. Companies should consider measuring traditional metrics as well as response times, time to respond, and engagement levels.
  • Candidate Expectations Have Shifted: Candidates expect consistent communication throughout the entire TA process. Communication does not happen at one stage in talent acquisition. It must be a constant throughout the candidate journey.
  • Mobile Comes First: Candidate behavior has changed since the pandemic. More people are working remotely, and candidates rely on their mobile device to research jobs, connect with brands, and apply for a job. According to this study, 62% of candidates are using their mobile device more this year than last. Candidates want to be able to use one device to communicate with a potential employer, and text meets the needs of the mobile-only mindset by providing faster response and personalized engagement in real-time.

I am looking forward to sharing new research and trends on candidate communication tomorrow. I hope you can join!